Primary Site, TNM Path Stage Valid B- Ed 7 (COC)

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    Primary Site, TNM Path Stage Valid B- Ed 7 (COC)
    Re: Mycosis fungoides Stage Group assignment, unk peripheral blood; C445 M9700/3 SSF1 999

    Facility is questioning the edit requiring TNM to be blank in order to code Stage Grp 99. They believe information is lost in cases where peripheral blood information is unavailable. Is this edit performing correctly in this scenario?
    Please see the facility’s inquiry to CAnwer Forum:

    Thanks, Ardis

    AnonymousRuth Li

    Per the CAnswer Forum discussion, I believe the edit in question is actually “Primary Site, TNM CLIN Stage Valid B-Ed 7 (COC)”.

    The way the edit is in v16E, according to the table it references (CLST7VAL), it actually allows for a stage grouping of 1A instead of 99 when blood involvement is unknown (BX) (attached screenshot #1). I tested it with the TNM staging info in the CAnswer forum thread and it passed the edit with stage group as 1A (attached screenshot #2). In the administrative notes, the reference table was last updated for 57B (primary cutaneous lymphoma) in v16D. Not sure why, for the edit, stage grouping is allowed instead of 99 when peripheral blood involvement is unknown?


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    Jim Hofferkamp

    You are correct. The current version of the edit forces a stage group other than 99 if the peripheral blood involvement is unknown.

    For example cT1 cN0 cM0 must be a stage 1A even if peripheral blood involvement is unknown.

    The edit is being updated to force a stage group of 99 if peripheral blood involvement is unknown. The exception would be if the patient had an N3 and or M1.

    You may want to recommend to the registrar that they hold the case until the next metafile is released.

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